Solfeggio is an essential tool in conservatories and music schools. However, some experienced musicians have almost succeeded in their studies without having learned to read the notes. Their coding system remains on the fact of naming each note as well as all the chords. This phenomenon opens up debates and makes new apprentices hesitate: to choose the path with solfège or to practice without reading? In order to track them down, we will discover the usefulness of note reading in the path of learning and instrumental practice, but also the possibility of success without having to resort to this academic method.

In what way is knowledge of solfeggio a necessity in guitar practice?

It is elementary to remember that solfège is a universal notation of music. It allows musicians to communicate with each other during meetings, sharing workshops, rehearsals and concerts. Otherwise, writing is very important in the context of deepening in order to make it easier to understand music theory, listening and especially rhythm. Learning solfeggio would always be a plus for a musician in instrumental practice. It is false to say that it would only be an element intended for professionals. Thus, ignorance of solfège could be considered as musical illiteracy. Would it be possible to imagine a philosopher who could neither read nor write, or a mathematician who could not write numbers? The person best placed to judge the usefulness or uselessness of music theory would be the person who had practised it. This would otherwise justify the usefulness of this learning as well as the necessity of reading while practicing the guitar.

How have courses without reading been successful?

Many musicians use the Internet to initiate themselves, or even deepen their knowledge of the world of instrumental practice. There are video tutorials or documents explaining the succession of chords, the recitation or use of a scale, as well as other musical theories. In general, this process does not require any knowledge of solfeggio. Many musicians emphasize the practice of the guitar. For them, it is first necessary to become familiar with their instrument. Therefore, they feel that learning solfeggio and reading techniques could be postponed until later. By abusing this option, they may even neglect it completely throughout their journey. Otherwise, in guitar, there is another specific notation including tablature. This is a technique that is suitably adapted to this instrument for writing and reading. This formula, simple and convenient, would allow a guitarist to retain his compositions and his improvisation games. In addition, it is possible to note chord successions with a simple grid.

Solfeggio in the learning of the guitar

In general, learning music theory leads to total demotivation for the learners. Most beginners have failed or dropped out because of this way of teaching music through note reading. Indeed, learning music theory usually requires a very long journey. Considering the guitar as a simple passion, it is not essential to deepen one's studies with reading techniques that will be like a demotivating jam. The notes are therefore essential for a fairly in-depth study of music. However, the knowledge of solfeggio is adapted to the level of the learner's instrumental practice. The further the student advances, the more the theories in solfège evolve. According to the Japanese pedagogue Suzuki, one learns the notes in order to get rid of them quickly. Hence, we can consider that it is still important for a guitarist to be initiated into music theory.